Custom Heat
Paul Grimstad gave this link to the company that makes some of Van's
SCAT fittings. They do custom work and may be able to provide you
with special parts as you try out new ideas.
--- More from Chris Hukill ---
I concur completely that Don at Aviacomp is
the man to see about anything for your heating system. At my request,
he redesigned the T that goes in the forward tunnel to direct the heat
to the forward footwell areas, to include a selector valve. It is a
drop in replacement for the original, and with the use of a cable, I
can now mix the forward heat to either side, a must have requirement
for my cold blooded other half, flying partner. It was a true pleasure
working with Don on this very simple, yet useful mod, that Vans should
offer in their accessory catalog. If you need to see a picture, email me
Seat Adjustment Lever - Thanks
Jim Wade
The seat adjustment lever is in an inconvenient place in the RV-10.
If you adjust yours a lot, you may find this mod useful.
This seat adjustment lever is great. Just bought if from Greg, I was to
busy trying to finish to build one myself. His is well made and a good
design. So much better that having to reach beside the seat and pull
the lever. Here is his website, check it out for yourself. Parking Brake
- Thanks Zack and Albert Check this link for a good
parking brake install
Rudder Trim Check this link for Vic Syracuse's
Rudder Trim mod - great stuff! Check this link
for Tim's write-up and shameless copy of Vic's Rudder Trim Check this link
for Tim's write-up of the Safety-Trim system controlling the rudder and
Aileron Trim Check this link for some photos
and info on a Rudder-Pedal based Vernier rudder trim Don Orrick Made
Elevator Trim Cable
Attach Brackets Whatever you do, you should probably not leave
your Elevator Trim attach brackets as-is. These are p/n WD-415.
There have already been cases of breakage both during construction, and
during flight. The original ones from the factory were not
consistently made with stainless material, and the welding is not
thorough enough to ensure safety. There are a few good ways to
deal with this. Check this link for more.
Class! Check this link for photos of a
couple of RV-10's with above-average wheel fairing construction.
In one case, they're made slightly different than the plans show,
but they look much better.
Upgrade Here's my write-up
of this issue and some possible fixes. The RV-10 has had a small
handful of cases of the extension stem that holds the outer side of the
wheel fairing breaking and damaging the fairing. It's a worthy
item to upgrade and fix, and for those who are currently building it's
a definite "should highly consider" modification. Dan Lloyd's
Dual-Battery Battery Box Modification
For those of you wanting dual main batteries in your RV-10, you'll
definitely want to see THIS. Here's another pic
from Bob Condrey of his dual batteries. Tim's PC925 Battery Box Here's a page
showing my PC925 Battery Box for the RV-10. It's just a couple
extra pieces of angle used to widen the existing tray. Simple and
Tim's Aux Battery Pack
Finding a good place for an Aux Battery can be tough, but I found a
great spot using some completely wasted space. It uses four 6V
batteries, 2 in series, and then those pairs in parallel, to provide a
good amount of AH of backup. It runs a long time, and the best
part is it has a negligible effect on your CG, which is an important
part of the install. Follow this link
to a page with photos. How LoPresti improves cooling and speed with
their Cowls These are notes taken as presented at a
LoPresti Seminar by John Cox explaining how and why cowls can be
Dual-Speed Trim Controller with
Runaway Prevention
Not sure if this is a "Mod" or an "Accessory", but it's
something that
I believe should be standard on all RV-10 kits. Check out the
write-up from my install. Wheel Fairing Bracket
Attach Spacers
With the current problems surrounding the wheel fairing attach brackets
and the spacers made to hold them on, vendors have started offering
solutions. Here is the first. There are now places for a
builder to actually BUY the parts to fix
this problem. First to market was with the
pictured below. These are a one-piece aluminum spacer that
provides a lot more surface area against the aluminum bracket. It
fits right in and should provide a good long-lasting fix. is the producer
of probably the most successful door latch replacement available for
the RV-10.
There is also work underway by which
should be producing something soon as well. They produce a
variety of parts including the axle extensions very similar to the ones
I had helped get made many years ago.
Better Oil Cooler and Cooler Control
I recently installed the Airflow Systems 2006X oil cooler, which may be
a better cooler...I'll know more after my next trip. At the same
time I installed the oil cooler control valve by
For my write-up Click HERE (or click
the image)
Tires and Tubes
If you're still building, save yourself some inevitible or at least
likely frustrations and just skip from your order, the standard Front
Aluminum Nosewheel, the Front Tube, and the Main Tubes, and the front
axle. See above, and THIS WRITEUP for
the information on the new Matco
axle, and also information on the nosewheel. Basically, just
to save inventory hassles, Van's sells us the WRONG nosewheel for the
tire that we use, they sell the Matco NW501.25, which will in many
cases, have the valve stem stick out too far, and hit the fork on
rotation. They will just tell you to leave the valve cap off,
allowing dirt and grime to get into the valve. The PROPER
Wheel is the NW511.25. Yes, that is right...they sell you the
WRONG wheel, on purpose, to save them headaches. You can just
order the WHLNW511.25 from Matco and skip the other one in your
kit...and buy the Matco Axle at the same time, because the standard
Van's axle is going to cause you headaches in the long run too.
Then, skip the tube that comes with the kit too....get your tubes for
all tires from Desser Tire. What you want for the front is the 500-5
with the TR-67 Valve. So with
your new nosewheel, new leakguard tube, and new axle, your nosewheel
will be complete and give you hundreds of hours of trouble free service.
Now for the mains... Personally, especially after switching to
the Desser Leakguard tube for the mains (15/600-6 size), I haven't had
interference issues on the mains. However, I've heard from a
couple builders who have...the valve cap comes dangerously close to the
cotter pin on the nut used to hold the wheel on. Although I've
only used the Van's tube, and the Desser Leakguard tubes, I think the
clearance was better with the Leakguards. But, there is a better
way. What you want is the Desser
Tube with the "New Easy Valve".
Once you switch to the Leakguards, you'll be adding air far less often,
and the "New Easy Valve" will eliminate any possibility of interference
issues for you. So skip the tubes on your kit order also.
Personally, I've also found that the Desser
Retreads" gave better tire life at a low
cost, too, so if it were me building again, I'd skip ordering ALL the
tires and tubes from Van's, and just order all of them from
Desser. The nose tire is the "500-5
Vintage" tire. Then you'll get all 3
tubes, and 3 tires, from Desser,
and the nose axle and wheel from Matco.
to get from Van's is the Cleaveland main wheels
Following the above advice should prevent you from having any headaches
with your tires and wheels...things that have caused problems for many
builders. Oh, and DON'T FORGET
the Axle Extensions! I think you can still get them from Cleaveland
Click the below for pictures of actual
RV-10 tire installations, so you can see the issue.
Main Gear Tube Stem
Low Clearance (No Cap)
Main Gear Tube Stem
New Easy Valve
My Nosewheel Stem
(barely adequate)
My Nosewheel Stem
(Installed) Clear but tight
My Main Gear Tube Stem
Clears OK
My Main Gear Stem on
Balancer (Tight but ok)
Here are some pics of my new Matco NW511.25 Nosewheel.
Regretfully I do not have any photos of the stem clearance with the
nosewheel isntalled. When you see my old nosewheel lying next to
the new nosewheel, look for the yellow valve cap. Keep in mind
that my original nosewheel tube actually cleared the fork by 1/8" or
so, and notice how the old tire you can see the cap up above the tire,
but the new tire the valve cap doesn't stick out past the height of the
tire sidewall. The clearance with it installed is at least 1/4",
and probably more like 5/16", and that is with the Desser Leakguard
tube/stem that actually sticks out FARTHER than my old stem!
The New Rim
New Rim - Note the stem hole is in the opposite wheel half.