Section 15 - Wing Rear Spar
Section 16 - Top Skin (first part)
As usual, I got into another extended time period of basically no
but recently I was able to kick my butt into gear and start making
progress again. The wings are going together very nicely so far,
although there are some things in the plans that aren't as easy to
if you pay attention it isn't too bad. I did find something to be
VERY careful
of, however.
On page 16-2, the aft wing-walk doubler
has a nutplate holes
to drill. Read ahead for the nutplate riveting and you will see
that the forward
most hole in the aft wing-walk doubler is correct per plans. I
accidently drilled
mine for a standard center-threaded nutplate, whereas this gets the
with the threads on the end, with 2 rivets side by side. I did
mine wrong, so
I'll either have to match holes with whatever fairing goes into that
spot, or
I'll have to put the proper nutplate on, and just fill that hole with
after I rivet it. Unfortunately I caught it after countersinking
to #8 screw
size, or it wouldn't have been quite as bad. You'll never see it
when I'm done
though. Also be careful not to countersink too far aft while
countersinking your
wing-walk area. I have one extra countersink right above the rear
spar. No problem
here though...just one spot that I don't have to dimple. And I
was moving so
smoothly today too...
The wing skins go on very quickly. Doesn't take too long to cleco
them all on,
and final drill the skins. The deburring is going to be a pain