Scheme Planning - We picked one!!!!
So far out of the entire construction process, this paint scheme
planning seems to be the most complicated. It's very hard to
something out, especially when you have unlimited numbers of
self-designed choices.
Lots of people have asked recently which one I picked. I did
bit of tweaking on my previous designs (based on concepts sketched up
by my wife), and we settled on some features that we both agreed on.
Here are the various views of our choice. You can
click on
them to make them larger.
are the some previous
attempts at some
There are a couple on here that weren't complete, but still looked good
anyway, so I left them to post. If you click on the ones with
on them, you will get a fullsize .jpg version that you can use for
planning. All the ones with color have been slightly reduced
fit your screen. Feel free to use anything you see.
The all-white images below are good to use as a start for doing your
paint scheme. My suggestion is to use PaintShop Pro and when you
edit your images, draw the colored lines as VECTOR lines. Then
save your image as before you merge it into a .jpg. You may be
able to fill your vector lines with color, but I merged mine into a
flat .jpg before I used the fill tool.