March 16, 2004
While waiting for my new rudder skins to ship, (YES, it turns out
Van's shipped them UPS, oversize,
just like I thought they could. Shipping/Handling/Packaging was
about $50. Skins were $38.75 each)
I'm working on the Horizontal Stab. Feels great to be making
progress today. The past 8 hours or so I
was deburring the H.Stab ribs. That SMALL pile you'll see the
picture of down the page, had taken me
about 6-8 hours to get just over 1/2 way through!!! 45 minutes
per rib. Finally I called Van's and Tom
told me I was correct that if I took things to that extreme, I'd go
insane. He said that 20% of the people
don't even deburr their parts, and that the parts ship in better
condition than many manufacturers actually
assemble their plane with. So, I should deburr any large nicks,
and any sharp edges that I'd cut
myself on, but then BUILD it! That bit of encouragement really
helps. I did do a great job deburring
my spar and doubler, since anything that important deserves some extra
time, but for things not under
a lot of stress, I'm going to do a good but much simpler job...saving
ME a lot of stress.
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