First I'll start with Fire Extinguishers. The
one on the right is the RT A600 that I started with in my
RV10. I really liked it when I bought it. It
is small yet should be effective for the plane.
However, recently I went to remove it from the snap holder
and I found it had almost zero weight, indicating it was
empty. Dang...that's an expensive thing to have
drain on you. Oh well, it's coming up on 12 years
now so I can't cry too hard. But, during the
research before I bought a replacement, I came across a
sad fact. While you can still buy them, the are no
longer sold by the manufacturer and there has been a
service bulletin out since 2015 about them leaking.
You now have to weigh them annually to make sure they
aren't leaking. That surely indicates an
issue. Now, my plastic top had been popping off for
a while, so I think that says enough about how they're
made that indicates why they may leak. Just not a
tough quality product. So, I went with the new
one from H3R on the Left, the A344T, that comes with a
gauge. No, it's not as pretty, but it's well
made. It's a little larger overall and a little
heavier, but not by much. Probably the worst thing
about my situation is this....
I bought an RT A400, the smaller one, for my RV-14.
It fits nicely under the throttle quadrant. Sadly,
the new A344T is much larger than the RT A400, so there
isn't a suitable replacement that will fit in my same
location. That means that once my RV-14 extinguisher
leaks out, I'll have to find a different mounting place
for the new one.
Another sad fact to this situation is that I discovered
this AFTER my annual inspection, which meant pulling the
entire tunnel cover off...AGAIN. That is not fun
because if you build it per-plans you have to pull the
seats off to get the forward tunnel cover screws
out. This was the final straw for me, so I finally
modified my tunnel cover by slitting it in 2 pieces near
the fuel selector valve, and adding a doubler/connector
with nutplates. Finally it'll be an easier job to
get in there for things like this.
Regarding spark plugs, I had been wondering how much time
I'd get out of my IK-24 Iridium plugs on my lightspeed
ignition, and I think I found the answer for now. I
put 311 hours on the ones on the Left. The center
electrode looks untouched, but the outside electrode has
now worn right to or just past the recommended gap
spec. With a gap tool, I could salvage the plugs and
keep using them probably at least to 500 total hours, but
at the lower cost of these plugs I just decided to replace
them. They were in great shape and should make a
good spare set to keep in the hangar for an
emergency. Oh the pains of being a pack-rat.