These are photos of Cleaveland's seats. I went to the Boone, IA
Fly-in on
June 18, 2005 and picked up my front seats from DJ. They do a
great job, and the color I picked for the interior doesn't look bad
at all with them. I later switched my seat covers to some from Abby at Flightline Interiors.
After working with her on the interior, she did such a fantastic
job that I wanted to use her seat covers as well. The seat covers
shown in this photo will be sold shortly.
Below are photos of my RV-10 seat frames on display at Sun-N-Fun 2005,
along with some photos of the Oregon Aero's seats in the Van's demo
plane. They are my seat frames, but Mike from Cleaveland's covers. My personal seat covers were made by Abby at Flightline interiors. (The
first 2 are just pics of my Van seats I threw in because the style
looked good) The seat covers in these phots were done by DJ's custom
interiors, which
is related to Cleaveland
Aircraft Tools
in Boone, Iowa. Mike at Cleaveland borrowed my seat frames to use
to make their patterns for RV-10 seats. They put on this light
cover for the show at
Click any photo to enlarge